The renowned actress who has appeared in popular films and TV shows like “Dynasty,” “American Horror Story,” and “Tale from the Crypt,” seems to have found the secret to eternal youth, as evidenced by her recent Instagram post.
The stunning photo, taken by her fifth husband, 58-year-old Peruvian actor Percy Gibson, features the 89-year-old Collins and the caption underneath reads: “I am looking for a wisteria that grows only in spring.”
Fans have flooded the comments section with admiration for the actress’s beauty, with some expressing disbelief at her youthful appearance, even a month before her 90th birthday.
We, too, are in awe of her stunning beauty and positivity, which serve as an inspiration for everyone, regardless of age. Joan’s confidence and fearlessness, as seen in her willingness to post poolside photos in a swimsuit at the age of 89, are qualities that many could learn from, regardless of age or gender