This is what occurred recently when a beagle who had been missing for eight years was reunited with his family.
According to the Wichita Eagle, Roscoe went missing in 2015, when he was just a year old. It’s unknown how he left his house.
Owner Nicolle Leon of Wichita, Kansas, said she and her family “searched everywhere” for their beloved dog for months.
Roscoe was nowhere to be found. After several years, the family decided that their dog had died.
Return to the previous month. Nicolle received an unexpected call in the middle of the night on January 11.
“Hello, we found your dog,” she told the Wichita Eagle.
“My first thought was that one of my present dogs had escaped.”
But she was surprised when Roscoe, who had been missing for eight years, was recognized as the lost dog. I sprang up as soon as she said it was a beagle, Nicolle remembered.
The owner was surprised since Roscoe had been discovered so far away—in Caldwell, Idaho, some 1,400 miles away—and had not been seen in years.
Roscoe was found as a stray, and locals Shae DeBerry and Katherine Miller checked him for a microchip.
Roscoe will be on his way home shortly. “Friday, January 13th I loaded little Roscoe into a transport van for his big send-off to his family,” Shae said on Facebook.
Unsure of Roscoe’s location throughout the years, the owner expressed regret at having “missed out on eight years with him.”
The family, on the other hand, was happy to have their long-lost canine returned. Nicolle’s two children, who were toddlers when Roscoe disappeared, are now teenagers, and they also have two extra dogs in the house.