Dog Cuddles Her Brother To Sleep And Ends Up Saving His Life

Two years ago, an American family got a Rottweiler puppy named Daisy. The owners did not expect that the little dog would immediately fall in love with their young son. They became best friends from day one and have been inseparable ever since.
According to the mother, Daisy is her son’s shadow.

“She’ll sit by the stairs and wait,” Troilo said. “As soon as we start going upstairs, she’ll jump on the bed, wait for her brother to brush his teeth, and then she knows it’s cuddle time.”

Собака увидела, что мальчику плохо - и ринулась в комнату родителей

The boy has diabetes and a couple of times his blood sugar has gone up or down at night. At these moments, Daisy reacted quickly – sensing changes in the little owner’s behavior and well-being, she ran to the parents’ bedroom to warn them – something was going wrong.

“My son has type 1 diabetes and Daisy could tell that he was having an emergency even though she’s not trained to do that,” Troilo said. “Now, if his sugar is high or low in the middle of the night, she comes and wakes me up so I can tend to him.”

Собака увидела, что мальчику плохо - и ринулась в комнату родителей

Собака увидела, что мальчику плохо - и ринулась в комнату родителей

Daisy takes her little owner’s illness very responsibly and will always come to his rescue. With such a faithful dog, the boy is not afraid of anything! For two years now, a strong friendship has reigned between them, and as the owners say, Daisy is a special and very smart dog.

Собака увидела, что мальчику плохо - и ринулась в комнату родителей

Собака увидела, что мальчику плохо - и ринулась в комнату родителей


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