Two tiny kittens were found on the streets of Manhattan, USA. The babies were crying, cuddling up to each other, and their mom wasn’t around. Kind people picked them up and brought them to the local Manhattan Animal Care Centers shelter. The babies were taken in by a volunteer named Asa.
Asa gave their brother and sister the nicknames Gilligan and Milli. The babies were only three weeks old and although they received a lot of affection and care from their foster caregiver, they desperately needed their mother. But the caregiver knew just who to introduce them to.
The girl’s 7-year-old dog, named Kona, was a lady with a big heart. She has never been short of attention for the little ones her owner takes under her care, and she was happy to take these little kittens under her wing.
Just when she heard the kittens squeak, the dog rushed to lick them and shower them with love. The kittens responded in kind, purring loudly and rubbing against her paws. It was love at first sight!
Kona has true motherly feelings for her kittens. She is constantly by their side, licking, caring, and watching over them. If one of them crawls too far away from the cot, she runs and puts it back where it belongs.
The kittens adore their “doggy mom” and are immensely happy that she gives them so much attention and love. She and the kittens sleep together, and when the babies are crawling and exploring all around, Kona keeps a keen eye on them.
In a couple of weeks, when the kittens are older, they will find permanent owners. For sure, these little ones are incredibly grateful to Kona for replacing their mother, whose affection they once lacked. Now they are healthy, active, happy kittens who are ready for a new chapter in life!