Piper, Cheeto, and Tito are three rescued raccoons from the United States who create unusual paintings with their tiny paws. The furballs’ work is popular and quickly sells out online.
Rescued raccoons Piper, Cheeto, and Tito draw unusual pictures with “paws”, which have attracted thousands of users of the Internet. The raccoons sell their works online for between $75 and $150 per picture.
As behavioral scientist Suzanne Macdonald of York University explains, you can teach any animal to draw.
“You can train any animal to paint, really. All you need is patience and a steady supply of food rewards.” When it comes to raccoons, the professor said that they are easy because “they can grasp things with their hands.” However, she assured us that there’s absolutely no evidence that raccoons appreciate art, “but then again, it is impossible to ask them… so who knows?”
Experts do not know yet, whether raccoons feel the urge for beauty, but judging by the happy faces the process brings them pleasure! Thousands of users of the network appreciated the pictures of raccoons and even compared them to the works of the famous artist Jackson Pollock.