On her way to work, a Shanghai resident named Yvonne noticed a pregnant cat at the door of an office building. It was meowing all over the street, looking at every passerby with sad eyes. Yvonne could not bear to look at it and took the cat with her to the office. Fortunately, there were many animal lovers, and all were happy to help the cat.
The staff named the pregnant guest Boba fed her and put her in a small office. There the cat was given a cot, a litter box, water, and food. From that day on, Boba became the fluffy “employee” of the office – everyone fell in love with her, and waited impatiently for her to give birth.
Finally, that day came, and the cat gave birth to eight wonderful kittens. All the kittens were born healthy and adorable! The whole office was worried about them, so the employees were as happy as the mother herself.
Boba is a young mom, but in spite of that, she was very responsible and attentive. She did not move a step away from her babies, licking them and giving them endless care. The office staff helped her in every way they could, and Boba was very grateful to them.
When the kittens were a month old, she and her mother moved them to a larger room in the office. The employees have not stopped caring for the family of cats. And when the kittens grow up, they and their moms will find permanent owners.